About this Blog

**************Currently closed on reviews*********************

What genres do I review?

Strictly Scifi and Fantasy. That being said, I include every subgenre out there in the book-o-sphere. A story about elegant steampunk ladies battling Lovecraftian monsters from space? I'll take it on. Middle Grade and Young Adult are also included in this mix because there's some phenomenal MG and YA specimens of the genre.

What's this three point dealie?

I hate basic summaries. They're more boring than a three hour lecture on the mating habits of South American frogs. So I take a book, distill it down to a major theme and nail down the important bits that way. Hence the minefield of spoilers, since I like to throw down the meat of the story from the start.

Want me to review a specific book?

I'll gladly check out any SciFi/Fantasy book and throw it through the blender to splash out onto this page. Send it my way at KMcIntyreMT@gmail.com and chances are it'll show up as one of my next reviews.

The ratings and reviews of the book are my personal opinion. While I may make snarky comments for the sake of humor, I try to be honest and include the positive about every book I read.If you're unsure whether or not it's my type of book, check out the books I've listed under "Rereadable" or "One of the Holy Few."

Want to participate in the Weekly Wednesday MFK?
If you're interested in giving the alternate take for the Weekly Wednesday MFK, email me at KMcIntyreMT@gmail.com. (For bloggers, send me your web address and I'll link it to the contribution) If there are any big books that you want to see MFK'ed, shoot me a line!

Rating System:

1- It was so terrible I couldn't finish it, not even for the sake of the blog. Could be for a million reasons. Is the style clunky and atrocious? Does the main character have a serious case of TSTL (too stupid to live)?

2- I was able to read the book, but would've probably put it down and not been that heartbroken. Reasons could include shoddy pacing, annoying characters or sheer boredom. Still redeemable though or else I wouldn't finish it.

3-Enjoyed the book. Probably wouldn't be rereading it a bunch of times, but definitely a worthwhile investment of my time. The story kept moving and entertained me.

4-Loved the book. Would recommend it to my co-workers, my friends, even my future dog. Would gladly read over again and encourage others to read.

5-Sheer genius. I'm talking heart aching, tear jerking, gasp out loud genius. Very rare, like the mythical unicorn.


  1. Okay, you got me. I'm sending an e-mail Review Request. Samurai-Steampunk et al.

  2. Do you review pre-pub ebooks on Google Drive or as PDF or only after cover available and uploaded? My upload is scheduled for November (awaiting cover art's completion), but otherwise, Smashwords-ready. Sci fi/romance, Volume I, "This Changes Everything," of "The Spanners Series. http://www.sallyember.com/spanners if you're interested in previewing before reviewing. Thanks.

  3. This is John Reinhard Dizon, author of “Stxeamtown”. I would like to submit my steampunk novel for review. Here is the Goodreads link:


  4. Hi Kat, would you review our fantasy/steam novel, Zotikas: Clash of Heirs. Two fiery ladies and a man each with their own ideas of how to take over a highly industrial world.
    Link to Amazon below, but reply and I'll send you a free copy.
    Thanks and enjoy!
    email: brunoent1@gmail.com
    amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J21BOT4/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00J21BOT4&linkCode=as2&tag=thejou0e3f-20

  5. Hi Kat,
    See link to new Sci-Fi Utopia Comedy in need of review momentum - it is original. If you can allocate I can gift you a copy?



  6. Please consider reviewing my new novel, "Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators." Below is the pertinent information.

    Title: Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators
    Author: Shaman Elizabeth Herrera
    Date of Publication: April 21, 2014
    Format: Print and ebook (Kindle)
    Genre: Epic Fantasy, Visionary Fiction
    Word count: 53,244

    Book Description:
    Earth Sentinels is an epic adventure filled with compelling characters, such as the fallen angel Bechard, shamans, spiritual beings and earth’s creatures who collaborate using supernatural powers to save the planet from imminent destruction, demanding that mankind changes its way…or else.

    You’ll meet 17-year-old Zachary, whose family’s organic farm is being ruined by fracking; Haruto, living in Fukushima, Japan, where the nuclear meltdown is raging out of control; Mahakanta, a cotton farmer in India, who used GMO “magic seeds” with devastating results; the Amazonian tribe members, Conchita and her father, Pahtia, fighting against intruders illegally tearing down their rainforest; and the Bear Claw First Nation Tribe who are dealing with an unstoppable oil spill ruining their traditional hunting grounds.

    As the events unfold and the world retaliates, each character is forced to question their own motives.

    About the Author:

    Shaman Elizabeth Herrera is an author who writes life-changing books. Her stories encourage people to stretch outside their comfort zones and reexamine their own beliefs.

    Elizabeth was raised in a Christian home, but lost her faith in her early twenties. For over a decade, she searched for something to fill the void, eventually discovering Native American spirituality (shamanism).

    She was fortunate to know her great-grandfather, a full-blooded Apache who smuggled sugar and flour from Mexico into Texas, exchanged gunfire with Texas Rangers and crossed paths with Pancho Villa.

    She is the author of "Shaman Stone Soup" (memoir) and "Dreams of Dying" (visionary fiction), which was published by Soul Rocks Books.


    I would be glad to send a PDF, mobi, Kindle eb or printed book.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Shaman Elizabeth Herrera

    Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Earth-Sentinels-The-Storm-Creators/dp/1494482606/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1398987347&sr=8-1

  7. Cool. I looooooove unicorns N spaceships,
    as we'll travel ~IN~ one throughout the
    universe AND!!! then, come back to write
    allah bout our adventure,
    Here, this shall help you:
    ♡ en.gravatar.com/MatteBlk ♡
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
