Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weekly Wednesday MFK: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Time to delve into a little more SciFi with Hitchhiker's Guide!!!


Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Tricia McMillan


Marvin, Deep Thought, Sirius Cybernetics Shipboard Computer

My Take:


Arthur Dent- Marry. Not only is it an obligation to continue the species since he's the last man alive, but he's kind of mild mannered and sweet which is a plus in terms of marriageability.
Ford Prefect-Fuck. He's been around the galaxy so I'd definitely want to take a spin. But I think he'd be so involved in his research that it'd be tough to pull anything long term.
Tricia McMillan- Kill. She's not going to contribute a hella lot, so she may as well get knocked off. 


Marvin- Fuck. Too depressive to deal with on a regular basis, but all that misery may turn into an interesting robo fling. Or it could be utterly droll, but either way, it's an exciting shot in the dark.
Deep Thought- Kill.While the machine is brilliant, if I ask the wrong question, it may take five million years to get back to me. I'd have gotten bored and wandered off well before ever getting the answer.
Sirius Cybernetics Shipboard Computer- Marry. Hey, this thing is programmed for companionship. Plus, I can definitely deal with all the pep and concern that this machine emits. Out of the robots, I think it's best suited for marriage.

Miss Gallifrey's Take:


Arthur Dent- Fuck. He's the last earth man left
Ford Prefect- Marry- He knows his way around the universe and has a lot of useful information in certain situations
Tricia McMillan- Kill. She's of no use to me.


Marvin- Kill. That's what he really wants anyway. And it would be too depressing to have him around all the time.
Deep Thought- Marry. It knows pretty much everything so the conversations would never be boring.
Sirius Cybernetics Shipboard Computer- Fuck. I'm sure there's lots of buttons to push :D

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